Our Passion




A world, where, less -privileged and youths   unlock their Potentials through Christ, creating a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Mission Statement

We’re fulfilling The Great Commission to “Go Ye.”


We do this through evangelism, and also building up youth leaders as well as helping to train upcoming leaders through conferences, mentoring, teaching in School bible clubs and ongoing relationships of accountability that are designed to cause Christ to be formed in the inward man bringing about maturity and soundness. We look to touching the whole man, spirit, soul and body. This includes reaching out to Youth and children through specific avenues to bring them into a saving knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, irrespective of gender, religion, belief, race or creed.



Tenets of Faith;

We believe the following:

1.      The Bible is the Inspired, infallible, revealed, will, and authoritative word of God. 2Timothy 3:16, John 1:1

2.      There is one True God, who has shown us His Character, and Goodness, Eternally Existent in Three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Mark 12:29, 1John 5:6-8)

3.      Jesus Christ is the son of God, and the Second person of the Godhead and our only means of Salvation. (John 14:6, Acts 10:4-12 Mathew 16:16-17).


4.      We believe in the resurrection (John 5:24, 28,29)